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Dental Insurance Health Care, Preventive Baby Dental Care

Sunday, May. 5th 2013 7:43 AM

The number one way to prevent tooth decay in children teeth is by proper preventive dental care habits. .  Primary (Baby) teeth are week and can quickly be destroyed by sugar and decay, causing pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay.  However prevention is the key to avoiding dental decay and high cost dental care.  Helpful preventive dental care tips

1) Cleaning your infant gums with a damp cloth. When teeth start to erupt you can brush their teeth gently with a soft baby toothbrush and water.
2) Make sure you take your child to see a dentist either when the first tooth does erupt or no latter then their first birthday.
3) Do not use a baby bottle as a pacifier.  If you are going to let your baby have a baby bottle when not feeding put only water in it.
4) Try to avoid sharing anything that goes in your mouth such as spoons, cups and other utensils.
5) Do not dip pacifiers or teething rings in honey or sugar.


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